Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tarantino tackles World War II by way of Brad Pitt...

Brad Pitt must really be feeling southern because in his latest film, "Inglorious Bastards" directed by Quentin Tarantino, Pitt is a cucumber-cool Sergeant with a nondescript southern accent who commands an army in the style of "Full Metal Jacket," but not as severe. Based on the film's recently released trailer, Pitt's sergeant is nothing like the mean and abusive Sergeant Hartman from "Full Metal Jacket"; Pitt's character is more like the Ken doll version.

The trailer looks interesting, and judging from the blood splatters displayed with the text interspersed between scenes from the film, "Inglorious Bastards" is certain to be bloody and fueled by revenge. Revenge as a central theme is nothing new for Tarantino, but it's especially interesting to see what philosophies Tarantino includes since the film's premise is an American army on a mission to torture and kill and "dismember" Nazi soldiers. If I'm not mistaken, this is the first time Tarantino is tackling a part of world history like World War II.
This film looks to be controversial, and I'm looking forward to it. I won't say that I'm excited, but I'd definitely go to the theaters to see the film, mainly because it's directed by Tarantino, who I'm a big fan of.

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